My Summer Reading List!

17 Jul

Hey, guys!

So, I’ve been reading more and more lately, and I thought that I would share the books and mags that I’m currently obsessed with! These reads are totally addicting and interesting! Ok, enough talk. Let’s get right into it…

The list:


  • Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
  • The Secret Circle Volume 1: The Initiation
  • The Fashion Book


  • Vogue
  • Seventeen
  • InStyle
  • Elle
  • LOVE Magazine
  • I-D Magazine
  • British & French Vogue
  • Teen Vogue
  • Fashion Week

Those are the books and mags that I’ve been reading this summer! I know, it’s a lot at the same time, but I’m just happy to be immersed in these cool genres! Plus, my vocab skills are getting pretty good so far, which is good for applying to colleges and getting scholarships! (Fingers crossed!)

Bye, guys! I hope you’ll try some of my favorite books and magazines!


Syfy and Supernatural: Opinions and Bullying

2 Apr

Hey, guys!

Ok, I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for an awesome syfy, supernatural, or fantasy show or movie! And I’ll also admit that I’ve got several opinions from close friends that weren’t so inviting… I must ask, because I clearly don’t understand, why is this such a big deal?

It’s not like watching super awesome, action-packed shows is a crime. I mean, someone can have an opinion, because everyone is entitled to one, of course. The issue, in opinion, is that most of these people are technically bullying me, and possibly other fans, too. I’ve been recently called a “geek” and a “nerd” amongst others. So I watch an assortment show genres, your point is? That I’m a “nerd” or a “geek”? First of all, those aren’t politically correct, and second of all, that’s plain bullying. Although I choose to politely ignore it, sometimes it does affect me, naturally. It’s almost inevitable, I suppose. Even still, why should they have all the power?

The truth is that bullies, not matter how tough or strong they might seem, are insecure and probably have had bullying done to them as well. I know that we’ve been told that all the time, but I’ve actually experienced this myself. I’ve been bullying most of my life at school, and I had been personally affected by it. This one bully had bullied me for like my whole high school career. He told me that I’m “worthless” and “wouldn’t make it in this world” (add cuss words to that), but deep down, I knew he was wrong. I mean, he knew me before for like half a semester. Anyway, one day he confessed, not to me, that he was having trouble at home and his family was messed up. That’s when I knew it was true what they say. Bullies are insecure and feel the need to put someone else down to make them feel ‘better’ than they are. But, you see, we’re the ones who are better, because we don’t bully anyone, even if we feel insecure. Everyone has their baggage, even me.

Obviously, being a fan of anything is no reason to be bullied or feel afraid of what other people might think. Hey, I’ve told practically everyone I talk to that I’m a syfy, supernatural, and fantasy fan! (They read my blog.) Give it a shot! You’ll end up with a lot more friends than bullies, just by sharing honestly and putting trusting them. You can choose your own friends and create your own rules, so why not announce your love of the action-packed (and super awesome) tv and movie shows? I’ll always be here to give you support and advice!

Happy watching!


Liebster Award!

26 Feb

Hey guys!

I have just been awarded the Liebster Award by Teenagethinking101!! You should check out her blog! Thank you so much!

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

(1) Each nominee should link back to the person who nominated them

(2) Answer the 10 questions that your nominator has given you

(3) Nominate 10 other blogs who have less than 200 followers

(4) Make 10 questions for your nominees to answer

(5) Let the nominees know that you have nominated them for the award by going to their blog and notifying them.

Here are the questions I was given:

1) What irritates you the most?

Rushing! It’s so stressful.

2) If there was a movie about you, what would it be rated? Who would star as you? and What would be the title?

Rated: PG 13. Star who’d play me: Ashley Benson. Title: Girl Gone Blogger

3) What is your most embarrassing/scariest moment you have ever experienced?

Wow, that’s tough. There’s been many… I’d have to say my most embarrassing moment would be when I asked a guy to go to Homecoming and he rejected me. Humiliating!

4) Describe your most recent dream.

It was a scary dream that included faces being morphed sideways. I still kinda shiver at the thought.

5) How do you picture yourself in 10 years?

As a journalist at the peek of my career working for a high-rank magazine.

6) If you could be any celebrity, who would it be? Why?

I would be Lady Gaga, because she loves to help others, is not afraid to be herself, loves to sing, and has a daring fashion sense! She’s also into theater!

7) Describe your crush in one word. If you don’t have a crush, then describe your best friend’s crush in one word. If either you and your friend don’t have a crush, then describe yourself in one word.


8) What would be the most craziest thing you do for love or money?

For love, I’d tell him, before he did.

9) List five of your favorite movies and songs.


1. Dance In The Dark – Lady Gaga

2. Bad Romance – Lady Gaga

3. I Knew You Were Trouble – Taylor Swift

4. I Won’t Give Up – Jason Mraz

5. You and I – Ingrid Michaelson


1. The Breakfast Club

2. Grease

3. Foot Loose (2011)

4. Pretty In Pink

5. Sherlock Holmes 2

If you had supernatural human powers, what would be your powers and who would you use your powers on?

My powers would be flying, super-strength, and super-smarts. I would use my powers to save people and animals all over the world.

I nominate:

Here are my the questions for the nominees:

1. Describe yourself in one word:

2. What song do you think describes you and why?

3. What is the best memory you’ve ever experienced?

4. If you could have a “secret admirer”, what would he/she write for you? 

5. If you could go back in time to change something that happened in your life, what would it be? Would you not change anything?

6. What are you most afraid of?

7. What do you think your life will be like the day you turn 25?

8. Are you creative? If so, what do you like to create?

9. What is your favorite TV show?

10. Do you play sports?

I think that covers it! Thank you again! I’m so excited! 😀


Netflix Favorites!

20 Jan

Hey, guys!

So, of course, I’m hooked on Netflix. I mean, who isn’t now a days? I’m pretty sure it’s an epidemic. Now, let’s get real: the shows are awesome! I love how I can watch not only old movies but old TV shows (that are awesome), too!

Here are the shows I’m hooked on at the moment:

  • The Vampire Diaries! I can’t believe I never watched this show until a week ago! I’m already on the third season, and, let’s just say, it’s hard to tear away from this thrilling show!
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer! This show is dramatic and oddly whimsical. Buffy, could you be anymore quirky? I’m currently on the sixth season and don’t plan on taking a break. Is that bad?
  • 30 Rock! I LOVE THIS SHOW! I love how Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) are best “bro’s” on the show. The show is hilarious by itself, but I think this part is the icing on the cake!
  • That 70’s Show! Need I say Kelso is the best? This show is so funny! I can still relate to most of what these crazy teens are doing even if it’s based in the 1970’s! Interesting! (Also, my friends say I look like Donna)
  • Kyle XY! Even though I finished watching the show, I still love it! Kyle has the most amazing powers and perplexing lifestyle that I can only dream of (and I have BTW)! The last episode was a suspenseful cliffhanger, and I actually looked up on youtube what was going to happen after. Thank goodness the cast and staff members did an interview afterwards!
  • The Secret Circle: Even though this show only had one season, there are still books telling the whole story. This show was thrilling, magical, and full of love, drama, and suspense. Perfect!
  • Doctor Who! All I can say is I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH! I think that sums it up!
  • The movies I loved were Footloose, The Breakfast Club, Grease, Charlie Bartlett, and Sassy Pants!

I hope I didn’t bore you with all the details! I love these TV shows and movies so much! Those are my absolute favorites! Come to think of it, most of them are SiFy and fantasy…cool!

Anyway, Netflix is a weakness of mine I guess. Although, it’s not a bad weakness. 😉


The Secret to Life?!

22 Nov
The Secret To Life

Hey, guys!

You might be wondering, “what is the secret to life?” Here’s the thing, there is no “secret” per se. It’s all about how you look at it. It’s pretty simple when you think about it, actually! Life is a mystery for all of us to experience in our own way. Not one way. Our own way!

Don’t get me wrong, I too thought for a long time about what the secret to life is until I found the answer. The answer was: there’s no secret at all. You just have to experience life for yourself. Everyone is different, which means that everyones’ life is going to be different in many ways.

Take it from my experiences vs other high schoolers: I have blogs, give advice to people on the internet and in real life, and I’m sympathetic to people who need help. In contrast, another teen might be on drugs, maybe drinking, not caring about school, and so on. That’s to the extreme, but you get my point.

I hope I helped the teens who are wondering about this confusing subject! Thanks for reading! 🙂


Back To School: SONG OF THE YEAR! + Cory and Talia

5 Aug

Hey, guys!

There’s so many songs out there right now, but I’ve discovered the song of the 2013 school year (at least for the first semester)! There may be more, so stay tuned for updates.

Here it is:

Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) – Kelly Clarkson

Ok, I know this is technically a pretty old song, but it really goes well with the theme of this year. First Cory Monteith (Glee actor who played the part of Finn) who died of drug abuse and then Talia Castellano (TaliaJoy18 on Youtube) who died of two types of cancer all in one summer, this year is all about staying strong and having fun but not too much fun.

We have to stop this. I know we can only send out as many tweets and Facebook posts as we can (many of which they won’t see because of the overload of other accounts), so work on yourself. There are many things you can do to help this hurricane of drug abuse that possibly will come this coming school year. I’m worried, and other people are, too.

I’m not trying to lecture, that’s the last thing I want to do, so don’t think that. I’m trying to warn you of what’s to come and try my best to help.

Trust your instincts, pick well grounded friends (drugs and drinking wise), and, overall, get help and DON’T try anything in the first place! It all makes a difference. You’ll be happy you did.

After all that bad news, let’s get some rest and have some fun on these last few days of summer. Beaches, malls, and relaxing await, to get to it! 🙂

Until next time!


There’s a T-Swift Song for That!

27 May

Hey, guys!

I’ve been through some very rough stuff, and these songs helped me a lot! Music is a great way to heal, because it speaks to you about your problem if you choose the right song. Pretty cool, huh? Whatever your relationship prob, Taylor Swift has put out a song for that!

Here’s my list of T-Swift songs to mend a broken heart:

1. Cheated on: I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift

2. You want to be with someone but your parents won’t let you: Love Story by Taylor Swift

3. So angry at your ex that you can’t explain how much in words: Picture To Burn by Taylor Swift

4. You never want to get back together with your on-and-off boyfriend: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift

5. You think someone loves you but they actually don’t, and your heart is broken: Fifteen by Taylor Swift

6. You’re best friends with someone but you secretly like them: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

7. You broke your boyfriend’s heart and now you want him back: Back To December by Taylor Swift

8. You thought you knew someone but you didn’t: White Horse by Taylor Swift

I hope these songs have helped you! I know I hope they did! Talk to you guys later!


10 Easter Egg Candy Ideas!

27 Mar

Hey, guys!

-> Disclaimer before reading: if you don’t celebrate Easter, I understand. I’m not saying everyone has to celebrate Easter or it’s the “right” thing to do. I’m accepting of all religions! Ok, now for my fun-tastic post :):

Easter is coming up really soon (like in 3 days), so I’ve picked out 10 mini candies that would go great in eggs for the oh-so-wonderful egg hunt! Here are my ideas:

10 Easter Egg Candy Ideas
Ok, guys. I know what you’re probably thinking…egg hunts are so elementary school. Actually (mainly in secret shh), doing this very tradition helps me think back to the simpler times and actually have some fun with my family! Plus, let’s be honest, we all have a kid inside that still wants to do fun holiday stuff. Raise your hand if this is true *raises hand secretly*. Lol. My advice to a teen that is always bored on Easter: ask your family if they would want to do an egg hunt. My family and I have been doing this since I can remember, so I know a bit about this stuff.
Off track personal Easter story:
One time, like 5-6 years ago, I was in my backyard looking for eggs and I found a historic-looking egg in the dirt with powder inside! It turned out that it was really old chocolate inside and the egg was hidden from the previous owners of our house. Weird, huh?
Ok, that’s all for today! I hope you guys have a magical Easter full of family fun and joy! And if you don’t celebrate Easter, I hope you have an equally magical week! Happy Easter! 😀

Blogging Advice!

18 Mar

Hey, guys! 

Someone recently commented on one of my posts, and asked me for advice about blogging. I have a lot of experience blogging! I’ve even started blogs on multiple platforms (such as Tumblr, Blogger, a paid WordPress blog, ect.). If any of you guys want advice about blogging, I’ll be happy to reply to you! You can either email me at:, or comment on this post (I suggest email)! 

P.S. I’m so thankful for all the support you guys are giving me! 🙂


One more thing:

*NO inappropriate, hating, and other bad stuff when commented or emailed!* Just had to say it. 

Positive Message!

10 Mar

Hey, guys!

School, relationships, and all around teen stuff can be tough and might make you look on the negative side of things, but you have to turn that thought around! You know that expression, “turn that frown up side down”? That’s a simpler side to this, and doesn’t give any direction on how to be happy, so I’ve put together my own saying (longer but stronger) that will help you get happy! Here it is:

Positive Message

I hope you all had an awesome week and you liked my positive message! I think it goes well for any situation! Thank you for reading! See you guys later!